Today, almost every company strives to formulate elements of corporate philosophy. In one case, it is a tribute to fashion, in the other – the desire to be different from their own kind, in the third – a real desire to live this way. Corporate culture is also a powerful management tool for managing employee behavior. Therefore, the training is aimed at improving the competence of managers in this area.

I recommend Corporate Culture training to companies that are preparing for the formulation and translation of the elements of their philosophy. Also, the training can be useful to HR specialists of companies responsible for corporate culture management.

The main idea of ​​the training is that corporate culture does not end with a few beautiful lines on the company’s website, but is a complex organism that reflects the whole nature of the company and the people working in it.

Training Objectives:

  • form a common conceptual field for managers regarding the phenomenon of “corporate culture” and its elements;
  • consider approaches to building and broadcasting corporate culture;
  • To teach to analyze and systematically change the corporate culture.

Training program

  • Introduction
  • Training objectives.
  • The concept of corporate culture.
  • What are values? Why is it important to know and maintain values?
  • Organizational culture testing (Cameron test).
  • The style of organic organizational culture.
  • The style of business organizational culture.
  • The style of bureaucratic organizational culture.
  • The style of participatory organizational culture.
  • Group discussion and definition of a common style.
  • Group work (5 teams of 3 people are created. 1.5 hours are given).
  • Tasks and questions for the team;
  • Creating a slogan for the value given to each team;
  • Underline the importance of value for three reasons;
  • Investigate the risks that may arise if there is no value;
  • Visualization of a value (drawing, application, or other method).
  • Each team is given 5-6 minutes.
  • Conclusion