This training is intended for employees who are directly related to customers, to improve their level of communication by reading non-verbal information. Abilities are developed to prevent possible conflict situations with clients on the basis of reading signals that employees read from the posture, gestures of clients.


  1. Teach techniques to capture verbal and non-verbal information through active observation.
  2. Provide participants with techniques and methods to enhance personal effectiveness in identifying signals of gestures, emotions, facial expressions.
  3. With the help of training exercises, consolidate the knowledge gained by the participants for use in their work.

The training is based on a large database of photo and video materials, includes viewing and analysis of unique operational filming.


  • Experience coding
  • Speech and gesture as a form of communication.
  • Separation by type of perception.
  • Analysis of information perception channels.
  • The face as a source of information.
  • Analysis of the oculomotor reaction. Observation training
  • Features of facial expression.
  • Analysis of mimic activity.
  • Emotions, categories of basic emotions
  • Signs of sincere and not sincere emotions.
  • Asymmetry of facial expressions.
  • Microexpressions
  • Automation of the skill of diagnosing falsity / truthfulness of an utterance based on an analysis of facial expression of a person.
  • Gestures, poses. Definition, classification.
  • Diagnostics of features of gesture products.
  • Asymmetry of motor activity.
  • The psychology of lies. Definition of lies, basic forms and motives.
  • Classification of gestures and lies
  • Automation of the skill of diagnosing falsity / truthfulness of an expression based on an analysis of the dynamics of gestures.
  • Analysis of speech utterances. Words, voice and signs of deception
  • The main causes of errors in identifying fraud.

The duration of the trainings is 8 hours, including 2 coffee breaks of 15 minutes each and one lunch break – 1 hour.

The number of participants – 15.